Starbar Cyanarox™ Insecticidal Bait
Active Ingredients: 0.5% Cyantraniliprole
EPA Reg. #100-1541-89459
EPA Reg. #100-1541-89459
A ready-to-use granular solution, Cyanarox™ Insecticidal Bait features the active ingredient cyantraniliprole. For controlling house flies, it is both highly attractive and highly effective, resulting in quick knockdown. Cyanarox™ Insecticidal Bait can also be used in rotation with other baits, such as QuikStrike® Fly Bait and Golden Malrin® Fly Bait to fight resistance. Cyanarox™ Insecticidal Bait also kills Oriental, German and American cockroaches'.
- Ready-to-use formulation
- No dust during application
- Single granule controls up to 95 flies
- Low bulk density
Product Size
For use in and around residential, commercial, and agricultural structures.
To prevent fly bait resistance issues, apply fly scatter bait outdoors where infestations are present.