Formitrol™ Ant Bait Gel
Formitrol™ Ant Bait Gel is designed to combat nuisance ants with unparalleled efficiency. The unique formulation combines two powerful active ingredients – our (S)-Methoprene and Dinotefuran – creating a dual-action bait for comprehensive control. All ants belong to a single family, Formicidae – that’s why we chose the name Formitrol™. This versatile ant control solution can also be paired with Antack™ Liquid bait for rotational control of numerous ant species.
- Approved for indoor and outdoor treatment of residential, industrial, and recreational sites
- Utilizes dual active ingredients for ant colony management: adulticide dinotefuran and IGR (S)-methoprene to disrupt the ant life cycle, ensuring both quick results and long-term control
- Controls numerous nuisance ant species including: Acrobat Ant, Ghost Ants, Rover Ants and many more.
- Syringe format for precise applications
Product Size
Odorous house ants, Argentine ants, little black ants, pavement ants, ghost ants, acrobat ants, Allegheny mound ants, bigheaded ants, black turf ants, citronella ants, cornfield ants, crazy ants, field ants, honey ants, lawn ants, pyramid ants, southern ants, thief ants, white footed ants, rover ants, and other nuisance ants (excluding fire, carpenter, pharaoh, and harvester ants)
INDOORS: Cafeteria, Commercial kitchens, hospitals, hotels, supermarkets, libraries, schools, nursing and assisted living, pantries, single/multifamily homes, garages, laboratories, on ground around home or structure, other areas where listed ants are found.
OUTDOORS: Decks, gardens, lawns, patios, yards, zoos.
Apply bait in spots or strips of bait near actively foraging ants, mound entrances, or nest sites. Make numerous bait placements near foraging ants. For full application details, refer to product specimen label.