ProBait® Formulation for Professionals
Active Ingredients: 0.73% Hydramethylnon
EPA Reg. #73342-1-2724
EPA Reg. #73342-1-2724
For challenging ant infestations, count on ProBait® Fire Ant Bait to quickly kill nuisance ants, immediately after ingestion. Zoëcon makes professional fire ant control easy with the active ingredient, Hydramethylnon, providing fast results when you need it most.
- Kills the queen
- Destroys the mound
- Features active ingredient Hydramethylnon
- Kills imported and native fire ants, harvester, Argentine ants and other listed pests
Product Size
Imported and native fire ants, harvester ants, bigheaded ants, Argentine ants, and other listed pests.
Lawns, landscaped areas, golf courses, commercial grounds, parks, and other non-cropland areas such as airports, roadsides, cemeteries, commercial grounds, parks, school grounds, picnic grounds, athletic fields and other recreational areas, and as well, on grounds surrounding poultry houses (excluding runs and ranges) or corrals and other animal holding areas.
For immediate fire ant control, Zo?con suggests using the bait when the ants are active, typically when soil temperature is greater than 60 F.