Be Prepared to Treat Sensitive Accounts
Our expert team at Zoëcon® is committed to providing pest management professionals with the products, resources, and support they need to solve even the toughest insect infestations. It isn’t always the degree of infestation that makes a job tough – oftentimes it’s the location. Pest prevention is vital to any space people live and work in, but there are a number of locations that are considered particularly sensitive:
- Restaurants, cafeterias, or any other food-handling establishment
- Schools, daycares, libraries
- Nursing homes, hospitals, shelters
Pest prevention in these high-traffic, sensitive locations is a collaborative effort. Take a look at our list of tips to make sure your team is prepared to handle sensitive accounts:
- Properly identify pests: Flies, cockroaches, ants, spiders, bed bugs, and stinging insects are most commonly found in schools, daycares, libraries, and other sensitive locations. It is also important to remind your team to educate facility personal about proper pest identification and prevention to keep pest problems to a minimum.
- Encourage use of IPM programs: Your technicians should work closely with facility management teams to clean high-volume areas, move dumpsters away from buildings, inspect and properly seal cracks, crevices, holes, and door sweeps.
- Select the right product for the job: At Zoëcon®, we’ve developed a number of product solutions to help pest management professionals (PMPs) control insects and help eliminate the issues customers face. Take a look at a few of our products below that work particularly well for sensitive accounts.
Best Products for the Job
Designed for food-handling establishments, Gentrol® Complete EC3 provides lasting control over cockroaches and other listed pests, such as stored product pests, plus fruit and drain flies. With Gentrol® Complete EC3, a combination of insecticide and insect growth regulator (IGR), Zoëcon® is offering broad-spectrum relief from common kitchen associated insects.
Essentria® IC Pro insecticide is the next generation of environmentally friendly pest control solution that features a low fragrance and low phytotoxicity formula. This spray-friendly solution is water dilutible, non-flammable, and provides control of listed flying and crawling insect species. Approved for sensitive indoor and outdoor applications, Essentria® IC Pro insecticide offers pest management professionals the flexibility to solve infestations with no water setbacks and no pyrethroid restrictions.
Gentrol® Point Source is an easy-to-use cockroach solution for sensitive accounts like kitchens, restaurants, and food-handling establishments in need of discreet control. The active ingredient and insect growth regulator (IGR), (S)-hydroprene, translocates from treated areas to locations that are typically difficult to treat. It creates a protection zone of up to 75 square feet and offers 90 days of control in sensitive areas, making the product ideal in places where traditional baiting or spraying is difficult.