Pro2Pro January 2020
Southeast | Northeast | West Coast | Midwest | South Central | Central Mountain

From the Desk of Tony Schultz

Southeast | Bill Barrs, Drew Lockhart & Walker Mobley
Kick Bed Bugs to the Curb
When it comes to treating for bed bugs in hotels, controlling these insects comes with its own set of unique challenges. From the abundance of beds to new visitors checking in daily, there are numerous environmental factors that allow these unwanted guests to thrive. Bed bugs not only put the health of guests and staff at risk, they also harm a hotel’s reputation. The Zoëcon team recently partnered with NeoGuard Pest Solution Services in Orlando, Florida, to learn how bed bugs in hotel rooms can be eliminated by following a comprehensive treatment checklist, consisting of:
- Thorough room inspection
- Properly prepping the room
- Treating with the right products, like those in the Zenprox® family
- Performing a 48-hour follow up inspection
- Educating staff on signs to look out for
For more details, see the comprehensive bed bug treatment checklist in the 2019 State of the Bed Bug Market.

Northeast | Gabe Gliwa
Controlling Cockroaches in Kitchens
The cold weather is here, which means that cockroaches may be seeking food, water, and a place to keep warm inside your clients’ homes and commercial locations. Remind clients to remove the resources that cockroaches need to survive by inspecting cracks and crevices that are close to water and food sources to make sure all food sources are cleaned up. Properly sealing and storing food is another crucial step clients can take to prevent roaches from surviving through the winter.
Cockroaches are extremely resilient, so it’s necessary to use the right products to get the job done right without any callbacks. Gentrol® Point Source is a discreet, non-spray roach control device that utilizes a translocating active ingredient to reach hard-to-treat areas. The solution is approved for food handling and kitchen pest control accounts, which means those overwintering cockroaches don’t stand a chance.
To help PMPs with their cockroach control protocol, the Zoëcon team created a cockroach poster designed to teach PMPs how to make cockroaches disappear with just one treatment. The poster includes helpful information including signs of an infestation, common habitats, and tips for effective treatments. Click here to download your cockroach poster PDF.

West Coast | Scott Harris
PMPs Have Spoken: The Truth about Essentria® Products
The Zoëcon team recently surveyed over 200 PMPs across the country to learn more about their experiences using the Essentria® family of products, a line of 25(b) Exempt botanical insecticides. According to the survey, respondents unanimously stated that they seek Essentria® products due to the safe, high-quality benefits that the natural pest management solutions provide. With an increased demand for botanical products among customers, 46% of PMPs turn to Essentria® IC-Pro to fulfill those requests. And 82% of PMP respondents will continue to choose a botanically based product to control a number of different insects. With five formulations to choose from, our Essentria® family brochure will help you build a control protocol to help you get the job done right, the first time— naturally.

South Central | Gary Ross & Mike Kunka
Poof! Makes Fleas Disappear With One Treatment
Having a flea infestation in a home is everyone’s nightmare, except for the flea. Annoying to both humans and pets, flea populations can explode if left untreated. Female fleas can lay up to 20-30 eggs per day and are able to live up to 100 days. With pre-adult fleas making up 95% of the total flea population, it’s important to use a product made to treat these immature fleas.
Take advantage of an insect growth regulator like the one found in Precor® products to target and break the life cycle of these pre-adult fleas. The IGR in Precor® products penetrates and migrates deep into places like the base of carpet fibers and furniture cushions to prevent the pre-adult fleas you don’t see.
To help PMPs with their flea control protocol, the Zoëcon team created a flea poster designed to teach PMPs how to make fleas disappear with just one treatment. The poster includes helpful information including signs of an infestation, common habitats and tips for effective treatments. Click here to download your flea poster PDF.

Midwest | Mike Leahy & Gary Wagner
‘Tis the Season for Overwintering Insects
Notice any overwintering insects while putting away holiday decorations? You’ve probably already received some calls to treat for overwintering insects, especially in basements and attics. Among overwintering insects, spiders are often times the most commonly found in homes. Spider web removal plays a crucial role in effective spider control. It’s important to remove all cobwebs and egg sacs with a vacuum or duster in basements and attics. Once the area is ready for treatment, reach for an aerosol like Xtend®Zenproxto control overwintering insects like spiders, as well as beetles, ants, silverfish, and more. Xtend®Zenproxcombines an IGR with multiple insecticides for immediate control to break the life cycle of insects. This aerosol saves on labor costs by providing knockdown kill with residual and gives PMPs the flexibility to apply as a crack and crevice or spot treatment to areas where pests crawl and hide.
To keep the pests from coming back, seal all entryways around doors, windows, utility piping and vents. And when the decorations are all put away, recommend your clients tidy up the storage boxes to reduce clutter spiders seek for harborage.

Central Mountain | Blaine Oakeson
The First Step in Ant Protection is Inspection
The chilly weather outdoors means PMPs are shifting their focus indoors when controlling ants. Looking for a free meal, ants can often be found crawling around kitchens. Inspecting and prepping kitchens before treatment is a crucial step in ensuring quality control. Remove all pantry items and food sources, and look for ants on the edges of counters and baseboards. PMPs should also be paying close attention to bathrooms when treating for ants. Ants are attracted to the potential food and water sources bathrooms offer like the standing water or hair in drains. Check along the edges of toilets, sinks, bathtubs and pipes for unwanted insect.
Once all areas have been inspected and prepped, apply a product like Xtend Aerosol® Zenprox. This easy-to-apply solution combines an IGR with multiple insecticides for extended residual control. The non-staining aerosol provides flexible delivery for efficient control of ants and many other insects.