Pro2Pro July 2020
West Coast | South Central | Midwest | Southeast | Central Mountain | Northeast

From the Desk of Tony Schultz
As we continue on into the “new normal,” we all still face the uncertainty of what the next day will bring. Perhaps no one has felt the weight of this uncertainty more than our partners in the bar and restaurant industry experiencing different stages of closures, restrictions or reopenings across the country. Regardless of what phase these establishments find themselves in, there is one certainty that will be waiting for them whenever the doors may open – roaches.
Any sanitation protocol should now include long-term insect control as a standard component, and the Zoëcon team is here to support you. We’ve shared pest control tips from PMPs across the country for bars and restaurants preparing to re-open. We will also be offering a rebate on our Gentrol® Point Source Roach Control Device in August, a discreet, non-spray format ideal for food handling establishments. While many challenges still lie ahead for these businesses, insects do not have to be one of them.
West Coast | Scott Harris

Botanical insecticides have been used for centuries to control and repel a number of different insects. And while green pest control products continue to be used primarily in residential accounts, PMPs also rely on them for a variety of commercial and sensitive accounts including restaurants, office buildings, warehouses, schools, daycares, nursing facilities, and more. Read on to learn about four insects that you can control using eco-friendly pest control products.
- Ants: With ant infestations occurring both inside and out, customers prefer a green insecticide that’s designed for both indoor and outdoor pest control. Essentria® Mosquito & Tick Concentrate will keep your customers covered, providing natural ant control from the kitchen to the backyard and everywhere in between.
- Cockroaches: Indoor pests like German and American cockroaches are difficult to treat in households and restaurants throughout the country. Essentria® Contact Spray provides natural roach control with broad application opportunities, including in sensitive accounts and uses around children and pets. This easy-to-use solution gives you the flexibility to apply to various surfaces including around refrigerators, cabinets, baseboards, appliances, and more.
- Mosquitoes: According to PCT Research, the percentage of survey respondents choosing mosquitoes as a “top three” pest for green products has more than doubled from 2016 to 2020 (from 15 percent to 34 percent). Green insecticides like Essentria® IC-Pro can be used as a natural mosquito repellent, providing fast knockdown and lasting residual control. A FIFRA 25(b) exempt pesticide, Essentria® IC-Pro is ideal for perimeter treatments, and can also be applied for broadcast, spot or fogging applications. Have you seen our new helpful mosquito poster yet? Check it out here.
- Spiders: Spiders are one of the two pests (along with mosquitoes) to move up in the ranks of the “Insects Most Commonly Controlled” list in the 2020 State of the Naturals Market study conducted by PCT Magazine. Because these insects can be found around sensitive areas where people gather like patio furniture and play areas, pest management professionals should turn to Essentria® IC-Pro for a natural spider killer.
Learn about other insects you can control with green pest control and the best treatment practices in the new Zoecon State of the Naturals Market White Paper.
The Essentria® Family
Essentria® products are formulated with naturally derived plant-based active ingredients— including rosemary oil, peppermint oil, geraniol, clove oil, and thyme oil. The active ingredients in these botanically based insecticides have been used for centuries to control and repel pests. The Essentria® family offers a natural approach to pest control for the environmentally-conscious consumer.
South Central | Gary Ross & Mike Kunka

Control Roaches with Confidence
Cockroach infestations can leave your customers alarmed and fearing another infestation. Use Gentrol® products as part of any treatment protocol as an insurance policy against future roach reinfestations. The product line features an insect growth regulator (IGR) that stunts pest growth by preventing reproduction. The translocating active ingredient (S-hydroprene) in Gentrol® productscovers hard-to-reach locations to give you and your clients peace of mind knowing protection is present, no matter where the products are applied. The low-toxicity profile offered in a range of Gentrol® formulationsmeans you and your clients can feel secure using it in the most sensitive areas, making Gentrol®the partner you need to give your clients confidence in you.
Save $$ On Gentrol® Point Source
Get ready to save with our upcoming Gentrol® Point Source August Rebate ! Stay tuned to learn how you can save money while getting broad-spectrum control over cockroaches, bed bugs, drain flies, and more.
Gentrol® Point Source Roach Control Device Features:
- Up to 90 days of cockroach control
- Discreet option for food handling establishments and kitchen pest control
- Gentrol® translocates - Insects do not need to come in contact with device
- Ideal for treatments in areas where spraying isn't acceptable
August savings will be here before you know it! In the meantime, learn how (S)-hydroprene, the core of the Gentrol® Product line works.
Midwest | Mike Leahy & Gary Wagner

It’s Tick Time!
Pest management companies operating in the Midwest are more likely to see the demand for tick-control services due to the prevalence of Lyme disease-carrying ticks in the region. Clients should be educated on how they can help prevent and lower the risk of disease-spreading ticks on their property. Share these simple maintenance practices with your clients to help reduce tick populations in their yard:
- Remove leaf litter
- Clear tall grasses and brush around homes and at the edge of lawns
- Place a 3-foot wide barrier of wood chips or gravel between lawns and wooded areas to restrict tick migration into recreational areas
- Mow the lawn frequently
- Keep playground equipment, decks, and patios away from yard edges and trees
While maintenance goes a long way, using a combination of products will also help keep your customer’s property a tick-free zone. The best products for tick treatments are sensitive on the environment and to household pets. Botanical products, such as Essentria® IC-Pro, can be applied with confidence around sensitive areas to deliver broad-spectrum tick control. See our other tips and product recommendations to keep customers safe from these disease-spreading arachnids below.
Southeast | Bill Barrs, Drew Lockhart & Walker Mobley

The Key to Flea-Free Homes
Due to people and pets spending more time outdoors in parks and backyards, as well as historically high pet adoption levels, many PMPs are seeing an increase in flea activity. For the most efficient flea treatment, remind homeowners to follow these helpful steps both before and after product application:
Before the Treatment
- Vacuum all rugs, carpets, and furniture – especially between and under cushions. Then, tightly seal and dispose of the vacuum bag outside.
- Clear and clean all floors, even closets. Mop all tile and vinyl floors. Sweep all concrete floors.
- Remove all decorative items such as pillows and blankets. Be sure to check for items under beds and furniture.
After the Treatment
- Wait for the specific instructions from your PMP to find out when it is safe to return home.
- Wait to resume normal vacuuming 24 hours after a home has been treated to give the insecticide time to work.
Check our more helpful tips and tricks in our Home Flea Treatment Brochure below.
The Precor® Family
Formulated with the insect growth regulator (S)-methoprene, the Precor® family of products effectively breaks the flea life cycle. Offered in a range of formulations, these products feature up to seven months of control against future flea infestations, allowing you to do more with less and reduce callbacks.
Central Mountain | Loren Cunnington

We’re Getting Excited About ExciteR™ 55 Aerosol
Have you seen our new product ExciteR™ 55 Aerosol in action yet? We invited some industry professionals to try it out as part of our new Zoëcon Beta Testers program, established to help our product development team hear valuable feedback from the field. Here are a few things we’ve heard from our Beta Testers after trying out ExciteR™ 55 Aerosol:
This product is awesome! Used for a German roach clean out. Used less than a quarter of the contents and had immediate kills. Talked to clients 7 days later and no roach activity was seen, except dead ones. Highly impressed.
I love the flexibility. It has so many uses and has the best c&c straw in the game.
Great Product!! Great flushing agent, works quickly and effectively.
Get broad-spectrum control and fast-acting results with ExciteR™ 55 Aerosol from Zoëcon. Featuring synergized pyrethrins to kill fleas, ants, ticks, and other labeled pests, ExciteR™ 55 features a flip-up nozzle that provides flexibility for indoor broadcast surface spraying and crack-and-crevice applications for hard-to-reach areas.
Northeast | Gabe Gliwa

Wasps Have Finally Met Their Match
We rely on the opinions of PMPs like you when it comes to creating new products. When establishing our new Zoëcon Beta Tester program, we reached out to industry professionals to help us put our products to the test. The valuable feedback we receive helps us determine opportunities for new product formulations and ensure products are effective for a variety of insects affecting your clients.
One of two products being tested currently by our Beta Testers is the new Zenprox® Wasp-X® 2 Spray, an aerosol product providing immediate kill of wasps, hornets and yellow jackets. Watch and learn what happened when one of our Zoëcon Beta Testers put Zenprox® Wasp-X®2 Spray to the test.
Backed by the core active ingredient, etofenprox, Zenprox® Wasp-X® 2 Spray provides immediate knockdown power to kill wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets on contact. It is designed for both indoor and outdoor use, featuring a foaming spray that reaches up to 20 feet.