Follow these 3 Steps:
1. Calculate Your Potential Return
Purchases made from 2/1/2023 - 9/30/2023:
Number of lbs.
Purchased x $0.5 =
Purchased x $0.5 =
2. If you are a first-time rebate user, please download & complete W-9 form.
3. Fill out fields below:
Rebates are valid on purchases made from 2/4/2024 to 9/27/2024. To learn more about Extinguish® Plus Fire Ant Bait & ProBait® Formulation for Professionals or the Fire Ant Rebate offer, contact your local Zoëcon sales representative.Download Fire Ant Rebate Form
Exclusions: Purchases made via BWI INC, Helena Agri-Enterprises and Heritage Trading are not valid under this rebate program. Always read and follow label directions. Extinguish, ProBait, and Zoëcon with design are registered trademarks of Wellmark International. ©2024 Wellmark International